I have been moving about and did not receive your notes of the
19 & 23 until last night — I return all the papers you sent me. — The additions to the Grant are what we agreed upon when I saw you and
will carry out the arrangements proposed in
M Hawes' letter of the 4 of Sep and assented to by
Sir John Pelly in his letter of the 9 — The reservation of land

required for the formation of naval establishments was mentioned at the meeting of
the Committee as desired by
Lord Auckland and it was agreed that a reservation of land for the purpose should be introduced
into the Grant —
With respect to the suggestion made by
MFitzgerald — the first
as you state has been anticipated — The second is I think deserving of some consideration,
I am disposed to think
M Fitzgerald has put

a right construction on the terms of the Grant, and I think it questionable whether
the Company should be allowed to exercise the
[…] exclusive right of fishing. Perhaps without altering the terms of the Grant
Sir J. Pelly would have no objection to give a written
acknowledgement that it was to be understood that the Colonists were not to be deprived
of the right of fishing — As to the third & last suggestion— it

seems to me exceedingly unlikely that the Company will accept the Grant if liable
to be dispossessed at any time by the local legislature and I do not see how we could
reasonably propose such terms.
The committee of the Privy Council have only to consider the terms & conditions of
the grant not the propriety of making
[…] a grant
an grant MFitzgerald who is opposed to the Govern making any grant to the Comp

any with some shew of reason suggested terms which cannot be
accepted __. Any papers you wish to send me will reach me if sent through the
Ruling Board. —
Other documents included in the file

A batch of documents on the subject of
Vancouver Island entitled "Parliamentary Papers."
An Act, printed by the Queen's Printers, concerning the "Administration of Justice
Vancouver's Island," dated
28 July 1849.
A printed copy of correspondence between the Chairman of the the
Hudson's Bay Company and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, as ordered by the House of Commons,
10 August 1848.
A printed copy of several Addresses to the House of Commons, as ordered by the House
of Commons, 7 March 1849. This includes, starting on page 9 of the document, a "Census of the Indian Tribes
in the Oregon Territory […]."