Public Offices document.
Minutes (4), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1).
Barclay, on behalf of the Governor and Committee of the HBC, writes to Merivale, for Newcastle’s information, to forward an extract of a letter from Douglas.
In the minutes, Merivale wonders how Douglas will justify his recent imposition of taxes.
This file encloses an extract, from Douglas to Barclay, that discusses a variety of colonial matters, and calls for a heavy License Duty on Inns, Beer and Ale Houses.
I am directed by the Governor and Committee of the Hudson's Bay
Company to transmit to you for the information of His Grace the Duke of
Newcastle the enclosed extract of a letter from Mr Douglas dated the
8th of April last.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your mo obedt Servant
A. Barclay Secy
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Extract, Douglas to Barclay, 8 April 1853, discussing the
imposition of a "heavy License Duty on Inns, Beer and Ale Houses," and
other colonial matters.