No. 1
Downing Street
3rd April 1855
With reference to your despatch No. 41 of the 26th of October last, I have to acquaint you that it appears that since the establishment of a Court of Vice Admiralty at Vancouvers in the year 1849, two persons only have been appointed to Offices therein, both in the capacity of Vice Admirals.
For the purpose therefore of adding the powers of a Court of Prize to those already conferred as a Court of Instance, it is now proposed to appoint aJudgeManuscript image Judge, Registrar, Advocate and Marshal and I have to instruct you to transmit to me the names and designation of those persons in the settlement who are in your judgement, best qualified to fill the above Offices.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant
G. Grey

People in this document

Douglas, James

Grey, George

Organizations in this document

Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty

Places in this document

Vancouver Island