The Att Gen report on these Acts (4322) has just been
rec—& gives a very good acc of the Acts.
3646 V.C.
N 1 (or 19) assigns certain permanent salaries to
the Governor, C.J., Col. Sec, Treasurer, Surveyor Gen
and Att G—in all £3200 per ann.
These are granted on condition that the Land Revenue is given up.
M Murdoch's & my own (written from the Emig Office with little
knowledge of the circes of
V.C.I. in particular) on a Land
Board Report 3485/60
VanCouvers Island.
I would only suggest one temporary obstacle to the giving up of the
Land Fund.
It is impossible to forsee what turn

the pending negotiations
with the H.B.C. may take; it may be prudent for the
Gov to
compromise—compensate &c &c and this probably
by grants of land or by abandonment of questionable claims upon Land.
At present the Crown being the land owner is competent to deal ad
arbitrium with questions of this kind. But when the land is handed
over to the Colony this can no longer be done.
It is therefore very questionable whether this ought to be done at
present—cf also the Gov views in 3649
N 2 & 3 (or 20, 21). Supply Acts—Sanction.
N 4 (or 24). Act imposing a tax on certain trades &
N 5 (or 26). Road Act. Six days labour to be given for the first
100 acres & 2 days for every addit hundred any person may
possess—also six days to be given by every male resident above 18
years old—composition
6/3 a day.

Appointment of Road Comm & Overseer
provided for. Sanction.
N 6 (or 27). A tax of 1 per cent per annum on the
market value (not rental) of any real estate—with certain
exceptions among w are "all agricultural buildings & improvements."
The Gov dislikes the Law.
The tax seems (by the Att Gen report) to have been passed not
with an eye to Speculators in Land. Sanction.
N 7. Fees for entrance & clearance of Vessels. Refer to B of
Trade with extract from
Att Gen report.
3649 V.C. Island
N 18. Joint Stock Comp Act. Sanction.
N 22. Street Fund. 2000£ (borrowed of course)
to be spent on improvement of Streets in Vict—a tax of 5/6 per
cent coincidently imposed on real property in
N 23. Protection of firemen destroying property in exercise of
their office. Sanction.
N 25. Persons who sell liquor to Indians or who keep liquors
(without licence) within 50 yards of any Indian reserve or gathering
are subjected to a fine of 100£ for the first offence—and to
impris not exceed a year &
not less than a month for the second. A well meant Act. But
observe that it seems that no fine could be imposed in the case of a
second offence—and that it is doubtful whether any punishment
whatever c be inflicted for a third or subsequent offence.
Sanction however.
N 28. Any person who has an informal or defective conveyance of
the fee simple of any Estate on Land (to w
fee simple the Act is easily limited) may summon his Grantor
before the Supreme C & if the conveyance shews that the
fee was intended to be granted, may obtain a legal Grant. A
rough remedy for a usual difficulty in the early stages of Colonies.
N 30. Gas Comp. Sanction.
N 31. Titles derived from H.B.C. Refer to H.B.C for any
observations they may desire to offer.
N 32. Provides a summary method of dealing (by a jury of 8 men)
with offences triable at Quarter Sessions. I dare say a very
good Act. Sanction.
N 33. An action, the cause of
w has arisen in a foreign country
is to be barred by turn in
V.C.I if it
w have been so barred in
the country where the contract (or other cause of action) took place.
Very right. Sanction.
N 24. Registration of Voters. Sanction.
N 36. Transfer of Real Estate. Defer consideration. The
Gen promises a further report. (If it is even a tolerable Act it
will do him great credit.)
This has not been received.
23-6 [date partly off microfilm]
N 37. Powder Mill. Sanction.
I think the
Gov m be told that the Legislation of the Session
appears to the
D of N very creditable to the industry & practical
good sense of the Legislature.
It m be observed however as a matter of detail that it w be a
convenience if the Acts are numbered and in all cases were accomp
by a marginal abstract.