Despatch to London.
Minutes (4), Enclosures (untranscribed) (3), Other documents (2).
Douglas forwards Newcastle two untitled proclamations designed to promote the settlement of Country Land
on Vancouver Island, and explains their intent.
No. 31, Legislative
25 April 1861
I have the honour to inform Your Grace that I lately issued the two
Proclamations mentioned in the accompanying Schedule, and Copies are
herewithtransmitted transmitted for the information of Her Majesty's Government.
2. The first of these Proclamations carries out the instructions
conveyed in Your Grace's several Despatches, No 10 of the 21st of
February 1860, and No 26 of the 28th of June 1860, authorising me
to reduce the upset price of Country Land to 4s/2d an acre; and
to permit Settlers as a provisional arrangement, pending the legal
difficulties which at present impede the grant of land in VancouverIslandIsland, to occupy certain tracts of waste or inferior land within the
surveyed Districts, with a pre-emption right.
3. The second Proclamation extends those provisions to the whole
Colony of Vancouver Island and its Dependencies, as the surveyed
Districts were found not to afford the means of settlement, and as
Your Grace's Despatch—British Columbia, No 64 of the 6th of
December 1860—conveyed to me the sanction of HerMajesty's Majesty's
Government to the Pre-emption Act of British Columbia, and
Despatch—Vancouver Island No 27 of the 16th of July 1860—communicated the desire of Her Majesty's Government that the practice adopted in
one Colony should also be established in the other.
4. These measures have given great satisfaction to the public at
large, and will, I have no doubt, promote the settlement andprosperity
prosperity of the Colony.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant James Douglas
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Proclamation by Douglas, 19 February 1861, "prescribing the
terms on which settlers may occupy land within the surveyed Districts
of Vancouver Island, with a right of Pre-emption."
Proclamation by Douglas, 21 March 1861, "extending such
provisions to the whole of Vancouvers Island and its Dependencies."
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Emigration Commissioners, 24 June 1861, forwarding
copies of the despatch and proclamations for their observations.
Draft reply, Newcastle to Douglas, No. 64, 15 July 1861,
acknowledging his despatch and commenting on the attached proclamations which are,
for the most part, unobjectionable, and approved.