Duncan to Newcastle
6 Hill Street
Edinburgh 21st March 1861

To His Grace the Duke of Newcastle
Her Majesty's Secretary of State
for the Colonies &c &c

My Lord Duke
I have the honour to transmit herewith for the consideration of your Grace a Petition to Her Majesty on behalf of Mr John Copland of Yates Street in the town of Victoria and Colony of Vancouver's Island, with Certificates subjoined.
I have the honor to be My Lord Duke
Your Graces most obedient and Very humble servant
James Duncan
Writer to the Signet
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
I have marked the passage in the Order in Council laying down the rules for the admission of Attornies & Barristers to practice in the Supreme Court of VanCouver Island. It appears from his Petition that Mr Copland was only a clerk to a Writer to the Signet & not a Writer xManuscript imagex as required by the Order, and that this fact was duly set forth in the Certificate he presented to the Chief Justice. The Petition ought I presume be referred to the Govr for report & Mr Duncan informed?
VJ 25 March
Sir F. Rogers
This seems to be a Case which ought to pass under your eye.
TFE 25 March
Mr Blackwood
At once.
To the Govr for report—adding that of course he will submit the memorial to Mr Cameron for such observations as he may have to make upon the subject.
Inform the writer that this has been done.
FR 25/3
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Newcastle to Douglas, No. 50, 31 March 1861, forwarding Copland's argument and asking that Douglas consult the Chief Justice and report back to Newcastle.
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Elliot to Duncan, 4 April 1861, advising that the petition had been forwarded to Douglas for a report.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Petition to Queen Victoria from John Copland, 19 January 1861, asking to be admitted as an attorney to the Supreme Court of Civil Justice in Vancouver Island, with a certificate vouching for his qualifications signed by James Duncan, supported by solicitors William Duncan and H.B. Dewar, and validated by F. Brown Douglas, Lord Provost.