Despatch to London.
Minutes (5), Other documents (1).
Douglas asks Newcastle for approval of his plan to resolve
the dispute over the disposition of the portion of land at Victoria known as the Church Reserve.
No. 21
16 April 1862
I duly received Your Grace's Despatch No 67 of the 23rd August
last, conveying your opinion and instructions upon the case of the
Reverend Edward Cridge, and with respect to the disposition of the
portion of land at Victoria known as the Church Reserve.
2. The conveyance ofthat that part of the land which forms the site of
the Church, and of the Cemetery, can I believe be effected without
any difficulty, in the manner Your Grace indicates; but with respect
to the conveyance to Trustees of the remaining portion of the ground,
designated as the Glebe, "for the use of
the Incumbent" a point has arisen in connection with local
circumstances which probably did not occur to Your Grace, from
ignorance of these circumstances.
3. The portion of ground to be conveyed for the use of theIncumbent Incumbent
comprises about 20 Acres. At present if utilized it would produce
but a very moderate stipend for the Incumbent; but it is situated in
what will undoubtedly be the very heart of the City, and, in a few
years even, may yield a princely revenue. I therefore propose, and
the Bishop and Mr Cridge both coincide with me in the arrangement,
that the ground in question should be conveyed to Trustees for
"the benefit of the Church of England", being subject to the
following charges in the order in which they stand.
1st A suitable stipend (to be fixed beforehand) for the Incumbent
of Christchurch.
2nd The repairs and necessary Expenses for the due maintenance of
3rd Such Clerical aid at Christchurch as may become necessary.
4th The foundation and maintenance of Schools in connection with
5th For the benefit of the Church of England generally: that is
to say for the establishment and maintenance of other Churches and
Schools throughout the Island.
4. I believe Ishould should be but following Your Graces views were I to
carry out this arrangement of the matter at once, but as the terms of
Your Graces Despatch are distinct—"for the use of
the Incumbent, if local circumstances prevent no obstacle to
that course"—I prefer representing the local circumstances that do
affect the case and submitting the foregoing proposition for Your
Graces sanction.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant James Douglas
Duke of Newcastle
I think the reference is hardly necessary. The question is whether
this Land shall be conveyed "to the use of the Incumbent" [or]
to Trustees for the four purposes specified
in Govr Douglas' letter. I have no doubt that the four purposes
are best. The only doubt mt have been whether Mr Cridge
might not have set up some vested right of his own (for his [life?])
against this generally good disposition. But he is a consenting