Despatch to London.
Minutes (6), Enclosures (untranscribed) (2), Other documents (1).
Kennedy transmits resolutions from the Legislative Assembly regarding their desire to be
included in a reciprocity treaty with the US. Cardwell minutes that the Colonial Office should ask the Foreign Office to consider the inclusion of Vancouver Island and British Columbia in the US treaty very desirable.
No. 36, Separate
14th June 1864
I have the honor to transmit certain Resolutions adopted by the
Legislative Assembly of this Colony with a view to Her Majesty's
Government taking any action in the matter which may be deemed
I have the honor to be
Your very obedient Servant A.E. Kennedy
To F.O. saying that, whenever the question of the Reciprocity Treaty
& trade be raised by the Govt of the U.S., it may be very desirable
to consider the expediency of including the Colonies of Vancouver &
B. Columbia.
Ack. & assure Gov. Kennedy that the subject [sentence not
completed]. Wait till we hear from Columbia.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
J.S. Helmcken, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, to Kennedy,
11 June 1864, forwarding resolutions of the Assembly.
Statement of three resolutions of the Legislative Assembly,
dated 15 December 1863, respecting the desirability of the two
colonies seeking inclusion in a reciprocity treaty with the U.S.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to E. Hammond, Foreign Office, 19 August 1864, forwarding
copy of the despatch and asking that the resolutions be taken into
consideration in any future negotiations respecting reciprocity.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Cardwell
I would request your consideration of the modifications in this