Referring to my Despatch No 37 dated 14th June I have the honor to
transmit the copy of a Deed of Conveyance of Fisgard Rock executed by
Mr W.A.G. Young on the 14th May 1864, and which was delivered to
the Acting Colonial Secretary on the 21st June only.
I may remark that I had, previously to writing the Despatch before
adverted to, inquired of the Treasurer, Acting Colonial Secretary,Attorney
Attorney General, and Surveyor General who respectively disclaimed
all knowledge of the execution or existence of any such Deed and
there was no record of it in the Colonial Secretary's office.
Mr Drake in whose possession the Deed was is a solicitor practising
at Victoria, but is not a salaried officer of the government.
It will be observed that the Surveyor General's name is not attached
to this Deed and if it be deemed necessary I apprehend a fresh Deed
mustbe be executed.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient Servant A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
See 7398. Mr Young, the Colonial Secretary, who is now in this
Country, will be able to explain how he came into possession of the
Island—but it may be as well to wait for the Memo: & Minutes of
Council referred to in N[o] 37?