With reference to a letter which I had the honor to address to you on
26 of February last on the subject of a claim made upon this
Company respecting a small lot of land in
Victoria Vancouvers Island
which has frequently been alluded to in the correspondence with Her
Majestys Government as Lot Z. I beg now to transmit a copy of a
letter recently
addressed to this Board by
M Lowenberg the purchaser
of the lot in question in which he complains that he is still kept
out of possession of [by] the Colonial authorities, and a note signed by
M Dallas, who acted in this matter on behalf of the Hudsons Bay
Company in which he states that
M Lowenberg is unjustly deprived of
his property and subjected to much annoyance & expense by the delay
which has taken place.
Having in my letter of the
26 of February stated at great length
the facts connected with
M Lowenberg's claim I do not think
necessary to trouble you on the present occasion with a repetition of
them; but the Committee of the
Hudsons Bay Company trust that the
Secretary of State for the Colonies will now give positive orders on
the subject to the Governor of
Vancouvers Island as will prevent the
authorities in that Colony from depriving
M Lowenberg any longer of
his just rights and save this Company from the annoyance to which
they continue to be subjected by the obstacles which have been so
persistently offered in the Colony to the carrying out of the
Agreement entered into between Her
Majesty's Government and this
Company on the
3 February 1862 for the settlement of all questions
connected with the claim of the Company to lands in that Island.