Despatch to London.
Minutes (6), Enclosures (untranscribed) (7), Other documents (1).
No. 71, Separate
23rd August 1865
I have the honor to transmit the copy of a correspondence which has
passed between Governor Seymour, the Colonial Secretary of Vancouver
Island and myself on the subject of a claim made by me for repayment
to this Government of a moiety of the costof of maintenance of the Race
Rock and Fisgard Island Lighthouses.
The letter of Sir James Douglas dated 11th April 1864 is very clear
as to his intention and decision upon the distribution of the
liability and the question is can it be now departed from?
I do not see any satisfactory result likely to accrue from a
continuance of the correspondence between myself and Governor Seymour
who has doubtlesslocal local difficulties to contend with and local
prejudices to combat.
It would be an additional source of irritation to permit this claim
to become a subject of discussion in the local Legislature of either
Colony which can only be prevented by the intervention and decision
of Her Majesty's Secretary of State.
I will only further remark that Captain Richards R.N. willI I am sure
be glad to furnish any information on the subject which these papers
fail to convey.
Any apparent delay in pressing this claim upon the Government of
British Columbia is accounted for by the absence of the Colonial
Secretary of Vancouver Island in England during a portion of 1864 and
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
Having lately examined the past correspondence respecting the
construction & maintenance of these Lighthouses I am of opinion that
V.C.I. has a strong & valid claim to repayment from B.C. for their
Mr Cardwell
A memorandum of the facts wd be necessary before forming any
judgment on the merits. The impression left on my mind by the
correspondence is certainly not favourable to B. Columbia nor to
the position assumed by Mr Seymour. But evidently the papers shd
be in the first instance referred to him, and ought to have been
communicated to him by Govr Kennedy at the same time as they were
sent home.
I think Gov Kennedyshd be told that the dphes had been sent to Mr
Seymour for his report & ought to have been sent to him by Mr K. in
order that Mr C. mt have both sides of the case before him with
the least possible delay.
I should be much inclined to observe that his dph of the 22nd Aug.
did not appear to be written in that spirit of accommodation which
ought to subsist between Govts of neighbouring Colonies, and
especially of where differences already existed wh it was extremely
desirable not to embitter or multiply.
I should think it most probable that Gov. Douglas' division
was unfair to B.C. But then B.C. should have made an offer & not
repudiated in toto.
As Governor Seymour is on his way home, the natural course wd seem
to be to call on him officially for a Report as soon as he arrives.
His intended journey home was known to Govr K. and I should be
disposed to spare the latter, who has much to contend with anything
like rebuke at present.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Kennedy to Seymour, 30 June 1865, forwarding a statement of
expenditure on account of maintenance of the lighthouses for 1864 and
requesting that British Columbia's share, amounting to $3,222, be
remitted to Vancouver Island as per agreement.
Seymour to Kennedy, 13 July 1865, advising that he knew
"absolutely nothing respecting the management of the Light Houses"
and that he understood the Legislative Council of British Columbia
had "refused to place at the disposal of my predecessor, any sum for
their support.
Minutes by CO staff
But there were abundant means in the Colony for procuring infn on
the subject.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Kennedy to Seymour, 17 July 1865, referring the governor to
past correspondence on the subject and the fact that "the moiety of
the cost of maintaining these Light Houses has been repaid by the
Colony of British Columbia from their first establishment down to the
31st December 1863."
Kennedy to Douglas, 5 April 1864, forwarding a despatch from
Cardwell on the subject of sums advanced for the construction of
lighthouses, and asking what provision had been made for repayment
and what proportion of the total sum was to be paid by Vancouver
Douglas to Kennedy, 11 April 1864, advising that it had been
decided that Vancouver Island and British Columbia should "defray
an equal proportion of the liability on account of construction and
also of the cost of maintenance."
Seymour to Kennedy, 17 August 1865, advising that Douglas had
subsequently doubted the fairness of the division in the face of
extreme opposition within the colony, and thus he was again declining
to submit the sum asked for, with extended explanation.
W.A.G. Young, Colonial Secretary, to Kennedy, 22 August 1865,
commenting at length upon the merits of Seymour's refusal to recognize
and discharge the claim.
Other documents included in the file
Cardwell to Seymour, 31 October 1865, forwarding copy of
despatch and enclosures for his report.
Minutes by CO staff
To be sent to Mr Seymour on his arrival in England.