Fidalgo Island
Fidalgo Island is tucked up against the shores of northwestern Skagit County, Washington State, and is separated from the same by the Swinomish Channel, which is as narrow as 100 metres across in some places. In fact, in 1792, Vancouver did not observe that Fidalgo's northern shore was part of an island at all: this would be discovered by the Wilkes expedition of 1841, which shows Fidalgo as “Perrys Island”, in honour of Oliver Hazard Perry of the US Navy.1 However, in 1847, Kellett restored its name to Fidalgo, which was a shift of sorts again, as, in 1791, Spanish explorer Eliza had marked present-day Rosario Strait as Canal de Fidalgo.2
  • 1. Edmond S. Meany, Origin of Washington Geographic Names (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1923), 85.
  • 2. Ibid.
Mentions of this place in the documents
People in this document

Kellett, Henry

Vancouver, George

Wilkes, Charles

Places in this document

Rosario Strait