Hardinge, E.
Biographical information is not yet available for this person.
Mentions of this person in the documents
- Sha-na-sa-luk (She-nall-se-luk, She-nall-ou-luk)
- Ot-cha-wun (Otcheewan, Ah-chee-wum, Acheewun)
- Qual-a-tutlm (Qual-ah-ilton, Qual-ah-itton, Qualaltaltun)
- Douglas, Chief Factor Governor Vice-Admiral Sir James to Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke
of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes 4 July 1863, CO 305:20, no. 8070, 223.
- Romaine, William Govett to Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester 30 July 1863,
CO 305:21, no. 7496, 14.