With reference to your letter of the 17th
I am commanded by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's
Treasury to acquaint you, for the information of Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, that they have instructed the Paymaster General
to issue to MessrsCox & Co. the sum of £800 being for
advance of pay to the Royal Engineers proceeding to British
Columbia, and to charge the same, for the present, to the
Treasury Chest account, as well as the sums previously directed
to be issued for the Engineer Officers proceeding to British Columbia.
As soon as the remainder of the force has been despatched,
and the amount of the requisite advances can be ascertained,
Their Lordships will be glad to receive Sir E. Bulwer Lytton's
opinion upon the proportion that should be charged to Army Funds
and the amount for which it may be necessary to submit
to Parliament an Estimate
, for those charges which may properly
be considered as Civil Expences of the Colony, to be defrayed,
in the first instance, from Imperial Funds.
In the mean time it appears to Their Lordships to be
desirable that these advances should be made to, and accounted
for by, Colonel Moody, in preference to making separate
issues to the Officers employed under his orders
No 1. The proportion of the Pay of the Royal Engineers
proceeding to B. Columbia, which should be charged to Army funds is a
question which will soon demand Sir E. Lytton's consideration.
No 2. With respect to the amount for which a Parly Estimate
may have to be prepared it is impossible at present to state anything.
The first grand object is to get the Engineers on the spot in order
that they may survey—mark out and sell land. The money will then come
in it is to be hoped. Funds are doubtless coming in even now from the
issuing of licenses, & other sources, but we are at present totally in
the dark as to the extent. The Govr has, howr, been several
times warned of the necessity of reporting as early as possible, &
indeed immy on this subject.
No 3. As two parties of Engineers, under separate Officers,
have been sent viâ
Panama, it has been unavoidable to give these Officers
funds for the journey: but now nothing is issued except to & on the
requisition of Colonel Moody.
I.e., Treasury to Colonial Office, 2 September 1858, CO 6/26, NEED.
The numbers appearing in the margin in brackets relate to Blackwood's minute below.