I have the honor to request that you will be pleased
to [take late?] your favourable consideration this my
application for
any sort of civil employment that you
could kindly offer me in
British Columbia or elsewhere.
I beg to state that I have served for Five years in
Her Majesty's service in the West Indies, Crimea &
Canada, at the end of which time I found my
prospect of promotion by purchase so bad, that I
retired from the service and I did so without
[illegible] much reflection and now I have to regret
that I did so, for I am without

any occupation;
and am most desirous of getting some employment,
and would prefer going to
British Columbia, as it seems a good field
for a young man and I have a small sum of money wh: I have
no doubt I could turn to good account there
besides which I am acquainted with many
of the Engineer Officers who are either gone
or going to that part of her majesty's dominions.
I have also in contemplation marrying and I
could not afford to live in
should I be able to get employment there. And
this is another great reason why I would like
to go to service of Her Majestys Colonies.
I may add that I can produce testimonials
from every Commanding Officer under whom I have served.
I trust that the services of my Father Colonel
V. Arbuckle on the retired list of the Royal
Artillery and of My uncle
General Wylde C.B. also
of the Royal Artillery may have some weight in
influencing you in my behalf, should you be so
kind as to take my claim

[or retnr?] my application
into your favourable consideration and be
able to give me employment of any sort and anywhere
that it is in your power.
Sincerely hoping that you will be able to give me a
favourable answer to this my earnest appeal