My Medical education was received in
London and
Paris and
my qualifications are as follows. In the year 1840 I was admitted
a Member of the Medical Society of
Paris—in 1841 I passed the

of the Apothecaries Hall of
London—in 1842 that of
the College of Surgeons. I then engaged in general practice at
Hailsham in Sussex—in
1848, I graduated at Kings College
Aberdeen and obtained the Diploma of M.D. For the last eight
years I have been a resident in this Country during which time
I have been in practice in this City.
I take the liberty of enclosing a copy of a private
testimonial from the late
Archdeacon Hare to shew my social
standing while I was living in England and one from the British
Consul of this

place as a guarantee that I am not unworthy of
soliciting the appointment.