Referring to my Despatch of the
16 Instant, communicating
the requisition made upon me by
Colonel Moody for the sum of Three
Thousand pounds (£3000) to defray expenses incurred on Military Account,
I have the honor to forward to you herewith the copy of a letter
addressed to me by the Colonial
Treasurer, representing the
impracticability of obtaining Coin for Bills drawn at 30 Days
sight. I have therefore been compelled to instruct the Treasurer
to depart so far from established regulations, as to draw the
Bills at Seven Days sight in cases where it is absolutely necessary
to do so; and I trust that this proceeding will not cause any
inconvenience to the Department of Her Majesty's Paymaster General,
as the whole account drawn is comparatively insignificant, and
from the number of men of War
now at and about
Vancouver's Island,
the Market is so plentifully supplied with Navy Bills at Seven
Days sight, that it is difficult to obtain Cash even on any terms
at short notice in exchange for Bills, and those upon less
favorable terms than the Navy Bills are unhesitatingly rejected.