Despatch to London.
Minutes (3), Other documents (1).
Douglas discusses the
subject of the disposal of Crown Lands in British Columbia, noting the the reservation of Lots at New Westminster for sale in the United Kingdom and the British Colonies, and that it was never intended, nor have we empowered any agents to sell, specific Lots either in
the United Kingdom or the Colonies.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Sir Edward
Bulwer Lytton's Despatch No 62 of the 7th May on the
subject of the disposal of Crown Lands in British Columbia.
2. In my Despatch No 156156 of the 23rd May, replying to
Sir Edward Bulwer Lyttons Despatch No 16 of the 7th February,
I stated my full concurrence in regard to the advantage
attending the system of prompt payment for Land, and we shall
if practicable without retarding the settlement of the Country,
introduce the practice into British Columbia.
3. With reference to the reservation of Lots at New Westminster for sale in the United Kingdom and the British
Colonies, which is discussed in the same Despatch No 62, II
could remark for Your Grace's information, that it was made with
the view of meeting the demand anticipated by the large emigration
expected this year from Great Britain and her Colonies, and which
it was feared might otherwise be deprived of the chance of
obtaining Lots at New Westminster.
4. It was however never intended, nor have we empowered any
agents to sell, specific Lots either in the United Kingdom or the
Colonies, otherwise such powers should be recalled, agre[e]ably to
the instructions receivedreceived on this matter.
This may be viewed merely in the light of an answer to
general observations. It raises no practical question and
might have been put by.
But with reference to the recent despatch from this Office
of the 7th of Jany, the Duke of Newcastle has permitted me
to raise the question whether this opportunity may be taken of
explaining to Governor Douglasthat in sending out Capt. Clarke's
paper, there was no idea of having recourse in any event to the
method of legislation by Order in Council, and that the only
object was to invite the Governor's opinion on the principle of
the scheme, subject, if he should think it a good one, to all
the adaptations which might be requisite in order to fit it to
the local circumstances of British Columbia.
This may be as well, to avoid any possible misunderstanding,
though Governor Douglas will probably have had judgement enough
to interpret the despatch as merely for his assistance in the
way of advice.