I have the honor to state that in obedience to the
instructions contained in your letter of
1 inst. we
have engaged Steerage Passages to
Vancouvers Island in the
Marcella for the wives and families of the seven Men belonging to
the detachment of Royal Engineers stationed in
British Columbia.
2. This is the only vessel sailing direct to
Island which is at present on the berth either at
London or
Liverpool, and as in order to take

the party she will be
obliged to come under the provisions of the Passengers Act,
the Owners will not agree to accept a lower rate of Passage
money than £35 per Statute Adult.
3. The vessel is to sail from the
London Docks by Noon
of the
9 of November next, and I presume that the
women will receive from the proper Military Department the
necessary instructions to join the Ship on that day.