Despatch to London.
Minutes (2), Other documents (1).
Douglas asks Newcastle what per diem Moody and other officers of the Royal Engineers
are entitled to when absent from their fixed residence upon duties connected with their Civil Services. The minutes show
that, as the cost of living varies greatly in different parts of the world, no standard
rate had been set. Elliot recommends that
Douglas be advised to allow officers of the Royal Engineers the same per diem as members
of the colony's civil service in analogous
positions, and that costs related to personal servants accompanying the officers should not
be covered.
No. 2, Civil
7 January 1861
Questions having arisen as to the fitting amount of personal
allowance to be granted to Colonel Moody, and to the Officers of
Royal Engineers under his Command, when absent from their fixed
residence upon duties connected with their Civil Services, I
should feel much obliged if your Grace would inform meof of what is
usual in such cases, and also whether officers, or what officers,
are entitled to the privilege of charging the Public with the
cost of the travelling Expenses and board of their Servants,
when accompanying them upon such occasions.
2. In the case of the Civil Officers of the Government, the
sums I have hitherto sanctioned in the few cases which have
occurred have been
To the principal Officers of the Government,
or Superior Civil Servants................ £1 per night
Inferior Officers........................... £0.15 "
Subordinates in Departments, such as
Clerks, Junior Clerks, Constables... From 0.12.0. to 0.6.0.
per night
In some of the more remoteDistricts Districts, I have been obliged to
increase these rates somewhat, according to necessity, for the
bare necessaries of life are sometimes only obtainable at a cost
of from 12/s to 16/s per diem.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Graces most obedient
and humble Servant James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
We have no fixed rule, with which I am acquainted, governing
the amount of travelling allowance to civilians in the Colonies.
Indeed the expenses of living & moving about in the Colonies
vary so much that we cd scarcely arrive at a fixed conclusion
on the subject. But we might send this desph to the War
Office & ask that Dt if they can furnish us with any
infn wh. wd enable the Duke of Newcastle to tell the
Governor what is the practice of the War Office with Officers
of Colonel Moody's rank, & Corps.
Mr Fortescue
The question is what allowances these Officers of the
Engineers should have when absent on their civil duties. I
do not think that this is a matter for the War Office. I should
answer that Colonel Moody should have the same allowances as
principal Civil Servants in the Colony, vizt £1 per night,
and that the subordinate Officers should have the allowances of
Civil Servants in analogous positions, vizt 15s/- per night.
No allowance for servants is ever granted in this Country to
Officers travelling on the public service and I should express
an opinion that it ought not to be granted in British Columbia,
and that the claim is not a reasonable one. A Military Officer
who cannot make a trip without his valet is rather a luxurious
man for his profession.
Draft reply, Newcastle to Douglas, No. 71, 19 March 1861,
advising that officers of the Royal Engineers should be allowed the same per diem
as members of the colony's civil service in analogous positions, and that costs
related to personal servants accompanying the officers should not be covered.