There is an arrear of assessed Taxes amounting to
£3.12, due from
G.H. Cary, Esq Attorney General in
British Columbia, in respect of an assessment made upon him
for the year
1858-59 as follows:
£ s d
2 half years Inhabited House duty
at N 12 Elm Tree Road, Marylebone £ 15.9
Whole years house duty at N 7
New Square, Lincoln's Inn £
£ 3.12.0
The Board have addressed two letters to
M Cary
for payment of the arrears in question, to which no reply
has been received.
As the outstanding of these arrears occassions much
inconvenience to this office by keeping open the accounts of
the District in which they are due, the Board have directed
me to bring the circumstance under the notice of the Secretary
of State for the Colonies, with a view to such steps being
taken as may be thought most desirable
to obtain a settlement
of the Crown's claim.