I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your
Grace's Despatch N 26, of the
12 June last, in
which I am instructed to direct the Treasurer of
to issue the Superannuation allowance of
Cue, late a Pensioner of the Irish Constabulary at the
rate of Twenty nine pounds sterling (£29) per annum
from the
1 day of April 1863 inclusive, in conformity
with the instructions contained in the papers accompanying
your Despatch, and to charge these payments in his account
for recovery through the Commissioners
of Audit.
I have in reply to inform Your Grace that these
instructions will be duly attended to, and the Treasurer
has also been instructed to require the Pensioner, on
claiming exemption from Income Tax to execute the form
of Declaration as regards Income, and to attach the same
to the Voucher, as requested by
the Paymaster General.