Vernon to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
Cloutary Castle near Dublin
Wednesday March 4th
Being desirous of Emigrating to British Columbia, I should esteem it a great favor if you would kindly give me some information relative to the quantity of land a British subject can pre-empt, or let me know, who is the proper person to whomManuscript image I should apply concerning the details which are requisite for a British subject who purposes settling there. Being quite ignorant who would inform me on this subject, I hope you will excuse the liberty I take in addressing you, and I should feel greatly obligedManuscript image by your kindly answering this as soon as convenient.
I have the honor to be Sir
Yr obt Servt
Forbes G. Vernon

Minutes by CO staff
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Refer to Land Bd and request them to supply the necessary information.
ABd 5/3
And tell the Writer we have done so. He appears a gentleman entitled to attention.
TFE 6/3
Other documents included in the file
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Colonial Office to Vernon, 6 March 1863, advising that his letter had been referred to the Land and Emigration Commissioners.
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Elliot to Emigration Commissioners, 9 March 1863, forwarding copy of the letter and asking that they furnish the information requested.
People in this document

Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone

Elliot, Thomas Frederick

Vernon, Forbes G.

Organizations in this document

Colonial Office

Places in this document

British Columbia