Despatch to London.
Minutes (2), Enclosures (untranscribed) (6), Other documents (1).
Seymour submits copies of addresses to him from the Town and District of Douglas, the New Westminster Fire Department and the Inhabitants of Yale, and his responses.
No. 26
7th June 1864
My Lord Duke,
With reference to my despatches No. 1 of the 26th
April 1864, and No. 4—of the 7th May, I have the honor
to submit copies of the undermentioned addresses which have
been presented to me. I add copies of my answers.
1. Town and District of Douglas.
2. New Westminster Fire Department.
3. Inhabitants of Yale.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
humble Servant Frederick Seymour