Despatch to London.
Minutes (3), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1), Other documents (1).
No. 73
1st June 1865
I have the honor to forward an Authenticated and two
plain Copies of an Ordinance of the recent Session of the
Legislature of this Colony, entitled;
No. 26. An Ordinanceto "to declare the limitation of
the Foreign Suits and Actions."
I add the Report of the Attorney General.
2. I found public opinion extremely favorable to
passing of the enclosed measure which was brought into the
Council by Mr Walkem, a barrister selected by the
people of Cariboo East to represent them in the Local Legislature.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient
humble Servant Frederick Seymour
I shd say a visibly dishonest Act wh ought to be
disallowed. Qu—to Law Offrs of Crown asking their
opn whether having reference to the first claims of
creditors not residg in B.C. the Ordce can properly be
allowed to remain in operation.