Their Lordships desire me to state, for the information
of Mr Secretary Cardwell, that They have referred to the Board
of Audit the claim therein mentioned, advanced by the
Government of British Columbia to the sum of £9,021 as due
to that Colony under the arrangement that, during the years
1862 and 1863, the total expense of the Royal Engineers
serving in that Colony should be divided between theImperial Imperial
and Colonial Governments.
The Commissioners report that They have investigated the
Statements of the Accounts drawn up by the Colonial Auditor
General, and that the sums included in those statements
resulting in a balance of £9051.18.1 as due to the Colony
agree with the sums recorded in the several accounts.
A copy of the statement furnished by the Commissioners
of Audit shewing the detailed items of expenditure in
connection with the Royal Engineers in British Columbia,
and the sources from which the expenditure has been defrayed
is herewith transmitted.
I am to state that My Lords will take the necessary steps
for submitting to Parliamenta a Supplementary Vote for such
sum as, with the balance remaining of the Vote for 1863/64,
will be sufficient to liquidate the claim of the Colony.
With regard to the advances of £200 to Colonel Hawkins
and £100 to Captain Lempriere, which are stated to have been
reported in the Governor's despatch—No 56 of 1861—a copy of
which was forwarded in the Colonial Office letter of 7th
November 1861. I am to observe that no mention of the advances
in question is made in that despatch. Their Lordships will,
however, communicate with the War Department on the subject of
these advances, as well as with respect to the £157.12.11
paid on account of Calder's Pension, as those sums appear to
be chargeable to Army Funds.