Anderson, Sproat, and Fraser send the Memorial … on the subject of the selection of a Seat of Government for British Columbia and asks for Buckingham’s favourable consideration.Jadis minutes that this is the petition Head referred to in Head’s despatch. Jadis further minutes that Seymour promised to address this subject and that New Westminster will likely be chosen. Buckingham minutes that HG has not received the information required to decide the seat of government in British Columbia. Included documents express support for making Victoria the seat of government and describe the debate over where in British Columbia should be the seat of government.
Anderson, Fraser and Sproat to Secretary of State
London, 1 Billiter Court
2nd May 1867
The Right Honble The
Secretary of State for the Colonies
My Lord Duke,
We are instructed to enclose for your Grace's consideration
the Memorial herewith sent on the subject of the selection of a
Seat of Government for British Columbia.
The Memorial was signed at a meeting of gentlemen largely
interested in the Colony, and many more signatures could have been
easily obtained, had the preparation of such a memorial been
announced by advertisement.
It is not intended to ask your Grace to receive a Deputation
in support of the Memorial; the matter is rather pressing as to
time, and it is hoped that the respectability and importance of
the signatures to the memorial will recommend it to Your Grace's
favourable consideration.
We have the honour to be
My Lord Duke
Your Obedient Servants J.G.S. Anderson D. Fraser Gilbert M. Sproat
Hon: Secretaries of the Committee of Signers of the Memorial
The Govr in opening the Session of the Legislature on 24 Jan
promised to address them by Message on the Subject of the Seat of
Govt, but we have not yet received it. For the reasons
assigned in his Desp written from Paris on 17 Feb 1866Mr
Seymour will doubtless select New Westminster, and it is I presume
a question the decision on which will be left to him?
Acknowledge, and state that HG has not yet received from the Govr
of B.C. such information as will enable him to decide on the position
of the seat of Govt.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Printed memorial in favour of making Victoria the seat of
government of the united colony, approximately 54 signatures.
Copy of the signatures to the memorial as noted above, in
alphabetical order.
Printed copy of reply of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce
to various correspondence and a speech of Seymour's on the debate
over the choice of the capital (23 pages).
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Anderson, Fraser and Sproat, 13 May 1867, advising
the decision had been held over pending receipt of additional
information from the colony.