In obedience to the command conveyed in Your Graces Circular
Despatch of the
5 of May, I have the honor to forward a
Schedule of Despatches received by me which appear to have
remained unanswered for more than a Month.
No. 3 of
20 January 1868.
Circular Despatch of the
6 January 1868.
Circular Despatch of the
6 May 1868.
2. The Despatches sent by me to the Secretary of State which
appear to have remained unanswered for more than five months are,
N 90 of
15 July 1867 respecting Financial position of the
Colony and asking for assistance.
N 66 of
13 April 1867, recommending that assistance
be given to the
Vancouver Island Dock Company for the work they
propose to undertake.
N 162 of
13 December 1867. Financial difficulties.