Despatch to London.
Minutes (4), Enclosures (untranscribed) (4), Other documents (1), Marginalia (1).
This document contains mentions of Indigenous Peoples. The authors of these documents
often perpetuate a negative perspective of Indigenous Peoples and it is important
to look critically at these mentions. They sometimes use terminology that is now considered
hurtful and offensive. To learn more about modern terminology pertaining to Indigenous
Peoples, Indigenous ways of knowing, and decolonization, please refer to the Glossary of terms.
Seymour forwards the financial Returns up to 18 August 1868 for British Columbia. Seymour relates why there was a delay in sending the returns to Buckingham, and Seymour encloses a statement of the reductions made in British Columbia to bring the revenue in line with expenses and lay[s] beforeBuckinghama schedule of all the positions Seymour has discarded since Seymour has been governor of British Columbia and the united colony. Seymour describes why revenue decreased before the union of Vancouver Island and British Columbia and discusses the current state of the colony’s revenue. Seymour asks for a loan from the Home Government to pay the amount owed to the Bank of British Columbia. Robinson’s minute suggests sending the despatch to the Treasury. Rogers’s minute summarizes what Seymour asked for in the despatch. Adderley minutes that Sending the R.E. was a mistake. Included documents describe changes to British Columbia’s financial situation and public office positions.
No. 102
18th August 1868
My Lord Duke,
Referring to my despatch No. 59 of 8th June, I have now the
honor to forward the financial Returns called for in YourGrace's
Grace's despatch of the 10th April, No. 22, replying to my
despatch enclosing the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for
1867 and the Appropriation Ordinance No. 13 of 1867, and to that
of the 30th November, enclosing Ordinance No. 27 of 1867,
to confirm an Expenditure of $96,918 11/100 for the Service of 1866
not authorized in the Grant for that year.
2. Your Grace regrets thatthese these Estimates and the Ordinances
founded upon them have been detained so long in the Colony. I
would plead as an excuse for the delay in transmitting the
supplementary Supply Ordinance for 1866, that I did not receive
the Auditor's report upon the Supplementary Estimates with the
details in full, until the 27th of November.
He should have called on the Auditor for an explanation of delay.
My despatch of the same month transmittedit it to Your Grace.
3. As regards my despatch of the 27th of September, I would
venture to state that at the date of the Auditor's detailed
report I was engaged on Public business in the neighbourhood of
Queen Charlotte's Island. A few days after my return to
Victoria I received a telegram with intelligence which appeared
to my Council absolutely to require my presence atthe the mines of
Cariboo, 600 miles from hence.
4. Your Grace directs me to furnish a definite and detailed
report upon the retrenchments which have been made in order to
meet the difficulties of the Colony, showing the periods at
which they were made, whether by way of reducing Salaries and
Offices or by way of stopping Public Works.
5. I
5. I enclose a detailed statement of the reductions we have
made drawn up by the Acting Colonial Secretary. Union found the
storehouses in Victoria filled with Cigars, Tobacco, Wines,
Spirits, Silks, and all the Articles we depend most on for our
Revenue, brought in while the Port was still free, and which
passed untaxed to the mainland.
6. I do not see how inthe the present state of the Colony we could
resort to additional taxation. The people who still remain are
in a wavering state and the slightest Grievance would drive
hundreds away, and add to the already large number of empty
houses in New Westminster and Victoria. The Engineer Camp
Buildings for which we had to pay to the Imperial Government
£10,700 are totally desertedand and I have to pay an ex-Sapper
to prevent the Indians occupying them or setting them on fire.
7. In connection with this subject I would call Your Grace's
attention to Mr Young's Minute transmitted in my despatch No.
72 of 28th July.
8. I lay before Your Grace a schedule of all the Offices that I
have abolished since I assumed the Government of the Mainland
and of allthose those abolished since Union with Vancouver Island.
It shows that I have had no easy or agreeable task in my
administration of the Government.
9. The supply of dutiable articles in Victoria is however
gradually being used up. The mines are prosperous. The almost
cruel reductions I have made will, at great individual suffering,
ultimately relieve the expenditure. Confidence seems to be
returning.The The Revenue is increasing and if we could but be
assisted with a loan at a moderate rate of interest by the Home
Government to pay off the Bank of British Columbia I think the
Colony would do well. A quiet but progressive prosperity is
setting in more beneficial in the long run than the tide of
immigration which rushing in turned peoples' heads and on its
ebb left disappointed expectations,embarrassments embarrassments and misery
behind it.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
humble Servant Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
The Estimates for 1868 have only just been sent to the Treasury,
and this despatch should be sent for their Lordships conson
in connexion with the Estimates.
The Govr & Col Secy again ask for an Imperial Loan, or
grant in aid.
The Returns show what great economy has been effected by the
1. Statement of retrenchment by way of reducing salaries &
offices. The large reply is that the aggregate
establishment of B.C. & V.C.I. upon Union cost $306,930, while
the establishment of the consolidated Colony costs in 1868
157,000. I do not doubt reduction has been carried to its
extreme limit.
2. Retrenchment in public works. "Services" cost the two
colonies in /65, $1,119,005 in /68 $415,543. This seems also
quite as much as can be expected.
3. New taxation—is said to be impossible.
4. Of Increased efficiency of collection nothing is said.
Send correspondence to Treasy as proposed by Mr Robinson.
"Return of the
Offices which have been done away with, since Governor Seymour
assumed the Government of the Mainland of British Columbia, and
of all those abolished since Union with Vancouver Island."
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Secretary to the Treasury, 30 October 1868, forwarding
copy of the despatch for consideration.