Despatch to London.
Minutes (2), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1), Other documents (1).
Seymour describes the appointments of the Legislature of British Columbia and notes an increase in the popular representation in the Legislature.Cox’s minute describes the structure of the legislature. Holland’s minute discusses where the authority lies to make appointments to the legislative
council in British Columbia.
No. 130
12th December 1868
My Lord Duke,
The Legislative Council having expired by the efflux of time, I
beg leave to report that I have reconstituted theLegislature Legislature in
the following manner.
2. In obedience to Her Majesty's Commands I have appointed the
Officers lawfully acting for the time being as Colonial
Secretary, Mr William A.G. Young; The Attorney General,
Mr Crease; The Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Mr
Trutch; and the Collector of Customs, Mr Hamley.
3. The Situation of Treasurerbeing being abolished I have placed the
Postmaster General Mr Arthur Bushby among the Official
Members. His appointment will give general satisfaction on
account of his own personal qualifications, and his knowledge on
Postal Matters will probably be valuable during the Session.
7. Mr George Anthony Walkem, a barrister, to look after the
interests of Cariboo, a distinction to which he has on previous
occasions been raised, three times, by the votes of the Miners.
I find it impossible to dispense with the Active Services of the
Salaried Magistrate Mr Brew fromour our principal Gold Mine.
5. Thus Your Grace will see that I am gradually enlarging the
popular representation in the Legislature. Mr Holbrook,
Mr Walkem, and Mr Wood are in no way connected withthe the
Government and will be free to vote in every matter as they please.
6. The undermentioned Gentlemen will have been selected by the
people and, I need not say, accepted by me.
7. Your Grace willobserve observe that I have placed the names
8. Though the unofficial members number twelve, while the
Salaried supporters of the Government are but ten, I have
no doubt but that matters will progress satisfactorily.
9. I am not personally acquainted with all the Gentlemen chosen
by the people, but I believe the Common opinion to be thatthe the
new Legislature is as satisfactory in every respect as we can
expect to possess under the present constitution.
10. I have called the Council together for the despatch of
business on the 17th of this month.
11. The Appointments are made to continue in force until the
first of August 1871. I beg to recommend them for Your Grace's
favorable consideration.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient,
humble Servant. Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Holland
See 30/2737/67.
New Legislative Council
Officials 5
Nominated by Govr
Office Holders 5
Not " 3
Elective 9
Gov. Seymour gives the name of 9 Elective but only
8 are Gazetted.
On the whole,
Office holders 10
not " 12 (of 9 Elective)
Sir F. Rogers
The Governor is (I think) wrong in supposing that the official
element of the Legislative Council which was created by the
additional Instructions of 31 July 1863 expires by efflux of
time (See the instructions listed in Sepe/1214/63).
By those instructions the Officers lawfully acting for
the time being as Col. Secrety; Attorney General; Treasurer,
Chief Commissr of Lands & Works, & Collector of Customs are made
during HM's pleasure
Members of the Legislative Council. There have been no later
Instructions & so that the Govr is incorrect in saying that
he has now appointed these officers to be Members of the
reconstituted Legislat. Council, or that the Legislative
Council has expired by the efflux of time. Certain appointments
only in that Council expire by efflux of time.
The other appointments which rest with the Govr appear to be
good & the Queens approval of them may be conveyed by Despatch.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Government Gazette Extraordinary,3 December 1868, reporting appointments as per despatch.
Other documents included in the file
Draft reply, Granville to Seymour, No. 11, 8 February 1869 conveying The Queen's approval of Seymour’s selections for British Columbia’s legislative council and discussing who has the authority to make or change appointments
to the council.