I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to
acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 5th ult relative
to claims preferred by the Admiralty against certain Colonies,
and to inform you that it is customary in all cases of stores
supplied or labor expended at Foreign Stations on behalf of
Colonial Governments, to obtain the signature of an officer
responsible to the Department to which the supplies have been
2. As it is considered advisable by the Secretary of State for
the Colonies that in addition to the signature of a responsible
officer,the the certificate or authority of the Governor of the
Colony (by whom the charges have been incurred) should be
obtained, I have to request you will cause such directions as
you may think proper to be issued, in order that in future no
requisitions may be made or certificate given for supplies from
the Naval stations without the authority of the Governor of the Colony.
3. I am also to inform you that the order of the 6th May
referred to in your letter related only to supplies
to the War Department, and that it will be equally convenient to
this Department whether the amounts due from Colonial
Governments are paid on the spot, or are recovered by claims
raised in this Office.
Mr Herbert
A copy of this letter together with a copy of ours to which it
is an answer should go to the Governors H Kong, B. Columbia &
Gibraltar with reference to Lord Granville's despatch to them of
30 June.
Herbert to Secretary of the Admiralty, Naval Store Branch, 16
August 1870, advising that a Circular Despatch would be issued
directing the governors of the colonies to pay "on the spot" for
all stores supplied by the Admiralty.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Herbert Mr Blake has suggested & I think rightly that we shd get the
Admy to assent to an uniform mode of paying for Stores &
then to inform our Governors by Circular.