Being deputed by my
Brother Francis Gray, and his partners
Easterby and
Matthew Rooney, British Subjects & Merchant Traders
resident in
San Francisco, California, to state that on the
23 of
June 1852,
Matthew Rooney discovered a vein of Goldbearing Quartz in
Queen Charlotte's Island, situate in a Bay called by the natives
Harbour, in Latitude 53 1' North, Longitude 131 119' West or
thereabout, bearing S.W. by S. 3/4 So. from the eastern headland of the

entrance of
the Bay, and N.W. by W. 1/4 W. from an Island situate in the
head of
the Bay, on which they have erected a house. The said Quartz
Vein extends from the beach inland in a S. S. Westerly direction, and as
it can only be worked by the outlay of large capital, in regular mining
operations and the application of powerful machinery, I have been
directed to apply to you for the grant of a lease to
Francis Gray,
Ant Easterby and
Matthew Rooney, of such a portion of the land in
the said
Gold Harbour Bay as will include the gold vein for a sufficient
length to warrant them in making the necessary outlay; the lease
reserving to the Crown such Royalty or Dues as may be customary or
fairly proportioned to the circumstances of the case. The limits or
boundaries which I would propose for the area to be granted, are as
follow, a length of 800 yards on the course of the vein and

a breadth of 200 yards, being 100 yards on each side of the vein.