In transmitting to you, to be laid before
Mr Secretary Labouchere, the inclosed copies of correspondence with the War Department respecting the survey
of the land portion of the
Oregon Boundary, I am directed by the
Earl of Clarendon to request that you will state to
M Labouchere that His Lordship would be subject to him for the early communication of any observations
or suggestions in regard to the instructions to be
given to
Captain Hawkins for the prosecution of the survey, as the instructions to that officer are now about
to be drawn up.
Those instructions when reduced into shape will of course be communicated to
M Labouchere for his concerrence; but, in the meanwhile, I am to request you to call his attention
to the suggestion respecting
M Palliser contained in the letter from the War Department, in which, as
M Labouchere will
will perceive,
Lord Clarendon concurs; and that you will move
M Labouchere to give the necessary directions on the subject.