M Fortescue
Fanning's Island is one of the innumerable and almost useless little
coral Islands

in the Pacific Ocean. It is situated at what by a
rough estimate from the map may be described as 300 miles north from
the Fiji Islands, and 1600 miles north from New Zealand, this last
being the nearest British Settlement. What possible object there can
have been in the folly of declaring this Island British I am unable
to imagine.
I would propose to answer that the Secretary of State for this
Department has never received the least intimation of any project to
take possession of
Fanning's Island, a small and apparently worthless
coral Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and at a distance of
nearly 2000 miles from the nearest British Settlement. I should
request therefore that if their Lordships may know of any
instructions or any motives which may have led to this step, they
will inform the
Duke of Newcastle of them, or that if on the other
hand the rumor on the subject should hereafter prove to be unfounded,
they will so apprize this Department.