I have the honour of transmitting herewith, Copies of the following
Six Acts, lately passed by the Legislature of this Colony, and which
have received my assent, viz:
N 1.
N 1 An Act to protect the property of a Wife deserted by her
N 2 An Act to authorize the Chief Justice of
Vancouvers Island and its Dependencies to make certain necessary appointments.
N 3 An Act to establish Fire Limits within the Town of
N 4 An Act to confirm the appointment of certain Members of
the Court of Revision under the "Real Estate Tax Act 1860."
N 5 An Act to enlarge the time for the Establishment
of Gas
Works and Buildings by the Victoria Gas Company.
N 6 An Act to authorize the appointment of a Sanatory
Commission for the Town of
The Attorney General's Report, which is also transmitted, so fully
and clearly explains the character and objects of these Acts, that it
appears unnecessary to trouble Your Grace with further remarks on the