Despatch to London.
Minutes (2), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1), Other documents (1).
Kennedy forwards Pemberton’s resignation from the post of Surveyor General. He reports that he has appointed
Pearse to perform these duties subject to Cardwell’s approval. Elliot minutes his observation that more might be lying behind than meets the eye and that he has received very unfavourable intimations about Pemberton from Seymour.
No. 82
8th October 1864
I have the honor to transmit the copy of a letter from Mr J.D.
Pemberton tendering the resignation of his office as Surveyor
General, which I have accepted subject to your approval.
I do not at present propose to offer any remark upon this letter
though it may become necessary that I should do so at a future time.
I think there are numerous and sufficient reasons for accepting this
officer's resignation.
I have subject to your approval appointed Mr B.W. Pearse, the
Assistant Surveyor General to perform the duties of Surveyor General
with an addition to his salary to make it up to £500 per annum.
I am unable without some trial to form an opinion of Mr Pearse's
capacity to fill the office of Surveyor General and I would suggest
that the present arrangementshould should continue till I obtain a further
insight into the mode of conducting the business of this office.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient Servant, A.E. Kennedy
Mr Cardwell
This looks to me as if more might be lying behind than meets the eye.
However the resignation is made & accepted, and no Question is raised
upon it.
I do not know how far it may affect the proposed despatch about Mr
Pemberton's Salary while on leave.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
J.D. Pemberton, Surveyor General, to Henry Wakeford, Acting
Colonial Secretary, 3 October 1864, tendering his resignation and
reporting on the current status of the office.
Other documents included in the file
Draft reply, Cardwell to Kennedy, No. 13, 1 March 1865, acknowledging receipt of Kennedy’s report and approving of his appointments.