1. I have the honor of transmitting herewith copy of a
letter lately addressed to me by the Agents of the Hudson's
Bay Company
residing at this place—setting forth the claims
of the Company to certain tracts of land connected with their
several Trading Establishments in
British Columbia; which
they may have occupied for many years and improved by
settlement and otherwise at much
2. Her Majesty's Government may probably consider, that
Hudson's Bay Company have acquired rights to the soil,
through permissory occupation and improvement, as well as by
the public services which the
Company have rendered to the
Country, and may therefore meet their claims in a spirit
of judicious liberality, especially as the settlement of
the Company's possessory rights in
Oregon, resting on the
construction of the third article of the Treaty of the
July 1846 with the United States of
will probably
be influenced by the decision of Her Majesty's Government
in allowing or disallowing the possessory rights of the
Company in
British Columbia.