In justice to our firm, will you permit us to notify to you with reference to your
speech in the House of Commons, upon the Second reading of the Bill for the Government
of New Caledonia, in which you remarked that Mess
Cunard proposed to run a line to
Vancouvers Island by which the passage could be accomplished in 35 days Via
New York and
Panama, that we have already
established a Line of Screw Steamers from
England to
Vancouvers Island (via the Isthmus of
Panama) as you will perceive by our [attached] advertisement. Our first Screw Steamer will
be despatched from England for
Aspinwall with Passengers on or about the first week in
August. She will be followed by a first class powerful Screw Steamer, with superior passenger
accommodation (Via
Cape Horn) intended to run regularly from
Panama to
Vancouvers Island, in conjunction with our Screws to Aspinwall from England.

Cabin Passage fares, 1st Class
£50 2 Class
£35 Steerage
As we were the first British House to establish a line of Steamers from England to
Vancouvers Island, we trust you will give us the credit, we hope you will consider due to the mercantile
spirit of our enterprise, and refer to this fact on the Bill going into Committee.
P.S. Should Her Majestys Government determine to despatch a Company of Royal Artillery
or other troops for service in
New Caledonia, we should be happy to Tender for the conveyance of such in our second steamer (Via
Cape Horn) to sail in
August, and request the favor of a Memorandum being made of our offer. A.C. & Co.