1. Extract, Douglas to Smith, 18 May 1858, enclosing a copy of his proclamation, 8 May 1858, and form of a General Sufferance, both designed to control foreign passage up the
Fraser River, and reporting on measures taken.
“I herewith transmit copy of a Proclamation lately issued in consequence of the number
of people who are crowding into
Fraser’s River in pursuit of gold; and of reported violations of the British Territory by foreign
Boats and Vessels, and of infringements of the chartered rights of the Hudson’s Bay
Company, warning all persons that such acts are contrary to Law, and whoever takes
part in them will be subjected to the penalties which the Law demands against such
I have since made a Requisition to
Captain Prevost of Her Majesty’s ship “
Satellite” for an effective force to carry out the proposed measures, as set forth in my Proclamation
and generally to enforce obedience
to the Laws, and he has agreed to furnish the force required.
I now propose to make an excursion to
Fraser’s River in a few days hence and on my return shall further report to their Honors on the
state of the Country.
I trust that the measures which I have taken for the support of Law & order, for asserting
the rights of the Crown, and for protecting the interests of the Hudson’s Bay Company
will prove successful, and meet with your approval and support.
I fear that I may be blamed for conceding too much to the pressure of circumstances,
though I have done my best to breast the storm. The conviction has at last been forced
upon me that it is altogether impossible to prevent people from entering the British
possessions in search of gold as long as there is a prospect of finding it in abundance,
in which case, the country will soon be settled by a
large population whether it be agreeable to our wishes or not, and that on the other
hand, if the diggings do not prove remunerative, the excitement on the subject will
soon altogether cease, and the crowds of people now gathering on
Fraser’s River will abandon the Country and return to their homes. The evil will thus work its own
cure without interposition on our part. In the meantime with the view of escaping
the greater evil, of compelling people to have recourse to expedients for entering
the Country by unlawful means, I have endeavoured to legalize the entrance of Gold
Miners into
Fraser’s River, on certain conditions which at once protect the interest of the Hudson’s Bay Company,
and asset the rights of the Crown, at the same time keeping in view the protection
of the trade of
Fraser’s River, which we wish to secure for our own country, and to prevent its being diverted into
any other channel.
The American Steamer “
Commodore” arrived here yesterday from
San Francisco with 400 passengers on board for the gold mines. They are all preparing to leave
Fraser’s River in boats and Canoes licensed for the purpose.”