Despatch to London.
Minutes (3), Enclosures (untranscribed) (2), Other documents (2).
Douglas forwards two letters from Moody who requests £2520 for military expenses.
The minutes recognize that payment to troops is vital in order to avoid desertion.
The CO recommends that the Treasurypay the Bills.
Included in this document is a draft from Elliot to G. A. Hamilton, Treasury, 10 May 1859, forwarding a copy of the despatch and recommending the bills be paid and added to
the account of the colony; a draft reply from Carnarvon to Douglas, 16 May 1859; Moody to Douglas, 21 February 1859, requesting £520 working pay for sappers and miners under Captain Grant; Moody to Douglas, 17 February 1859, requesting an advance warrant of £2000 for expenses of the Royal Engineers.
I have the honor to forward to you herewith Copy of two
letters addressed to me by Colonel Moody, Commanding the Troops
in British Columbia, making requisition upon me for the sum
of Two Thousand FiveFive Hundred and Twenty pounds (£2520) to defray
expenses incurred by the Military Department under his Command.
2. In consequence of there being no Funds in the Colonial
Chest with which I could meet this Demand, and the necessity
for obtaining the money being urgent I have been compelled
to avail myself of the permission accorded to me by you, to
obtain the funds as an Advance from the Imperial Treasury.
I 3. I have accordingly instructed the Treasurer of
British Columbia to draw upon Her Majesty's Paymaster General
for the amount, and he in yesterday's date negociated Bills
to the Amount of Twelve Hundred and Fifty pounds (£1250), the same
being drawn, for the sake of obtaining a better rate of
exchange, in 5 sets for the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty
pounds (£250) each, of which transaction I have duly advised Her
Majesty's Paymaster General.
4. I trust you will approve of this proceeding which I
wouldwould beg to assure you I have adopted with great reluctance
and to which I was only compelled by sheer necessity.
Lord Carnarvon
See the passage I have marked in pencil at Page 9
of Sir Edd Lytton's desph No 6l of the 30 Decr last
wherein it is said "the military pay of this Force the Govt may
at present contribute." It will not escape yr Ldship's
notice that this is the 1st time the Governor has drawn
upon the British Treasury for funds for B.C. services. And
I am really disposed to give him full credit for withstanding
the temptation to do so by which he must have been much
beset to meet the numerous demands pressing on him in a
nascent Colony. This draft on us is, happily, in the shape
of a recognized advance; and as it is unmistakenly clear that
money must be had to pay the Troops, as they will desert, we
have no alternative except to recommend the T-y to pay the Bills,
adding the amount to the running account agt the Colony.
Draft, Elliot to G.A. Hamilton, Treasury, 10 May 1859, forwarding
copy of the despatch and recommending the bills be paid and added to
the account of the colony.