With further reference to your letter of the
Ultimo, I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her
Majesty's Treasury to transmit herewith Copy of a Report
from the Master of the Mint on the Subject of the Establishment
of a Government
Assay Office and Refinery in
British Columbia,
and I am to request that you will inform the
Duke of Newcastle
that the arrangements suggested by the Master of the Mint appear
to My Lords to be judicious, and if His Grace should be of the
same opinion My Lords will authorize
M Graham to engage the
services of the persons recommended by him on the conditions
proposed and to provide the necessary stores &c. Their
Lordships consider
that the best course to follow in regard to
the preliminary expenses will be to advance the sum of £2000,
suggested by the Master of the Mint, out of the grant for
Columbia, on the understanding that the amount will be repaid
from the Colonial Revenue.