Despatch to London.
Minutes (2), Other documents (2).
Douglas sends Newcastle his response to the Treasury's recommendations
for adjusting the financial questions between Her Majesty's Government and the Colony
of British Columbia
and assures him that I will do all in my power to carry out the views of your Grace and of the Lords of
the Treasury in respect
of the repayments that may be considered due from the Colony.Douglas also states that he will repeal a recent act which enabled him
to raise funds through short term loans and will instead pass a fresh Act embodying the provisions recommended by the Treasury.
No. 38, Financial
2 August 1862
I have this day had the honor to receive your Grace's
Despatch No 131 of the 16th June containing copy of a letter from the Board of Treasury relative to the mode of adjusting
the financial questionsbetween between Her Majesty's Government and the
Colony of British Columbia, and suggestions relative to certain details being provided for in the Act which
I am permitted to pass to enable this Government to raise a Loan not exceeding
Fifty thousand pounds (£50,000), with a view to the improvement of
the communications throughout the Colony.
2. Being urgently pressed for money, forreasons reasons of which your
Grace is by this time aware, and not feeling certain of receiving
any further information upon the subject of the "Loan Act" than
that contained in your Despatch, No 123, of the 13th May,
received by me on the 2nd July, I did not, when every day is
of such consequence to me to relieve me of the financial pressure
now bearing upon me, deem it prudent to delay thepassage passage of the
Act, which your Grace was so good as to inform me would meet with
your sanction, I therefore on the 26th July passed the "Roads
Loan Act 1862" and transmitted the same to your Grace, in my
Despatch No 34 of the 28th July 1862.
3. The valuable information with which your Grace now furnishes
me, and which clears up doubts that we entertained of the propriety
of expressly providing for severalmatters matters of detail, which
although in themselves highly desirable to the more simple working of the Act, yet
from the perusal of other Colonial Loan Acts we feared were novel
and unusual, and consequently might create delay in the allowance
of the Act, and the consideration that this Despatch may reach
your Grace at the same time as No 34, induces me to beg that your
Grace will nottake take any steps in respect to the Act therein enclosed.
I conceive it will be desirable to repeal that Act altogether,
and to pass a fresh Act embodying the provisions recommended by
the Lords of the Treasury.
4. I will put the matter at once in the hands of the Attorney
General, and have the Act ready for transmission by the next Mail.
5. Although I have not time by this opportunityto to do more
than write this hurried Despatch, yet I cannot close it without
again assuring your Grace that I will do all in my power to carry
out the views of your Grace and of the Lords of the Treasury in
respect of the repayments that may be considered due from the
Colony, but I earnestly hope that it may be within my power to
shew that the sums which I am charged with having improperly
drawn have been expendedsolely solely on account of the Royal Engineers,
under the immediate control and superintendence of their Commanding
Officer, Colonel Moody, and that the particular sum of £10,704, occurring under the head, Roads, Bridges,
and Surveys, is for the
most part, if not wholly made up of items of expenditure peculiar
to the Royal Engineers, and of no benefit to the Colony.
6. I beg also to mention that I have drawn no Bills onaccount account
of the Royal Engineers, since the 4th April last, that the
sum expended by them this year in excess of drafts on the Imperial
Treasury is some £4000, that they have been paid regularly, and
that I have kept the public works going by various expedients of
short loans, and that I hope to continue to do so, and with your
Grace's kind co-operation to bring the Colony satisfactorilyout
out of her present financial embarrassment, if I can calculate
with certainty upon being able to draw upon the Colonial Agents
General for the amount of the Loan within six months.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
humble Servant James Douglas
The interchange of our correspondence on this subject has
taken place with unusual & fortunate rapidity. The Governor's
proceedings will be acceptable to the T-y, & remove the
difficulties pointed out by that Office to the recent Loan Act.
Draft, Elliot to G.A. Hamilton, Treasury, 3 October 1862,
forwarding copy of the despatch and recommending the matter be put by
pending receipt of the promised act.
Draft reply, Newcastle to Douglas, No. 144, 2 October 1862,
asking that Douglas furnish the Agents General for the Crown Colonies with the local rates of exchange on
London, so as to enable them, when the Loan has been raised, to judge the most advantageous
mode of remitting
the money to B. Columbia.