Despatch to London.
Minutes (4), Other documents (1), Marginalia (1).
This is a duplicate of the previous despatch.
Seymour describes the improved situation in the
Cariboo and how
Needham resolved the dispute between the Flume Company and the Canadian Company.
Seymour asks for no new orders be sent to
Hastings that contradict the orders instructing
Hastings to support
Seymour in moments of crisis, and
Seymour discusses how
Seymour’s actions are being discussed in the
Victoria newspapers. Minutes by
Cox and
Blake discuss where
Seymour’s despatch fits in the record of despatches. Minutes by
Cox and
Rogers discuss how to respond to
Seymour’s despatch.
Cox’s minute suggests seeing
12037 further from Admiralty,
Blake’s minute suggests seeing
Admy 12354.