Lords Commissoners of Her Majesty's Treasury have
had before them your letter of
16 ult enclosing copy
of a letter from the
Admiralty with one from the Naval
Commander in Chief on the Pacific Station asking for
instructions as to the payment of arrears of Colonial Pay to
the Detachment of Royal Marines at
San Juan from
April 1
Dec 31 1867.
I am to state for the information of the Secretary of State,
that as it would appear to My Lords clear from
the correspondence
which took place in
1860 that the detachment which was stationed
St Juan was to be granted extra pay equal to the
regular pay of the Force, My Lords are of the opinion that the
men who are serving at that station are entitled to receive
additional pay granted by the Order in Council of
August 1867,
from the date at which such additional pay was granted under
the provisions of the Order in Council.