I have had the honor to receive Your Lordship's Circular
Despatch of
23 June last, transmitting Revised Regulations on
the subject of Land Privileges to Naval and Military Officers,
and directing me to make them generally known with a
notification that they are to
take effect from the
1 October
2. Your Lordship further directs me to prepare and forward for
your consideration a notice specifying the length of residence
and the description and value of the improvements on allotments
of Land made to Naval and Military Officers which I may deem to
be most suitable to the circumstances of this Colony to entitle
an Officer to an absolute grant in exchange for his location
3. There has been only one instance in this Colony of such a
Grant as the
Regulations refer to; and then residence only was
required to obtain the Crown Grant. What is given is really so
very little, preemption on the most liberal terms being open to
anyone, that it would scarcely be fair to call upon an Officer to
make any stipulated amount of improvements before the issue of
his Grant. I think that the Grant should be given if he adduces
evidence that he, or his family, has continuously resided on the
land described in his location ticket for two years as required
by Section 398, of the new Regulations now forwarded to me. For
purpose of this residence improvement must have been made by
the erection of buildings and otherwise, fully to the extent of
any amount which it would be fair to require in the
circumstances of this Colony.