I think it right to suggest that the attention of the Postmaster
General should be called to the disproportion which now exists
between the rate of Postage from this Colony to Great Britain
and the rates from this Colony to the United
States and from the
United States to England.
2. At present the rate of Postage to and from Great Britain, on
a single letter, under 1/2 ounce, is one Shilling, or twenty
four cents. The rate, under the recent arrangements, to any
part of the United States is six cents, or three pence; and the
same rate of six Cents is all that is charged on Letters from
the United States to Great Britain. Consequently persons
writing from
British Columbia can enclose their Letters for
England to
correspondents in California and have them reposted
there for half the rate of postage which would be charged upon
them at our own Post Office.
3. This disproportion ought not to continue. The existing rate
of Postage to England was established before the opening of the
Pacific Railway, when the Mails were sent via
Panama; but the
whole course of postal service has since been modified.