I transmit to you the copy of a Memorial from
M Robert Swanston
complaining of the conduct of the Collector of Customs at
Port Victoria in refusing to grant a permit for his Vessel the "
William Allen" to
proceed to other Harbours
the Island for the purpose of collecting
Native produce.
I observe from one of the enclosures annexed to this Memorial that
you declined on a former occasion to transmit to the Secretary of State
a representation from the same individual, and there may possibly have
been sufficient grounds to justify that course, but as it appears from
the endorsement of the present Memorial that you are in possession of
the original, and as I have received no communication from
you on the
subject I have to request that you will furnish me with a report on the
allegations contained in it, explaining at the same time any reasons
which may have induced you to withhold the transmission of this and the
document above referred to, in contravention of the established rules for
the conduct of Official correspondence.