I have the honor to acquaint you that Her Majesty's Ships
Tribune and
Pylades have arrived at
Esquimalt, from China and
India, the former on the
13 Instant with 150 Supernumerary
Marines, and the latter on the
14 Instant.
2. The Senior Naval Officer having represented to me that this
number of Marines could not be accommodated on board the Ships
of the Squadron, and suggested that the major part should be
landed at the Naval Hospital Buildings at
Esquimalt, which could
be easily prepared for their reception. I gave my concurrence
to the arrangement and directed the Surveyor General,
Pemberton, to undertake what
additional work was necessary for
the proper accommodation and comfort of the Officers and Men.
About 100 have consequently been disembarked at the Naval
Hospitals, those sick going into the sick wards. The remainder
have been distributed amongst the
Tribune, &
3. The men are generally in good health, and I feel much
satisfaction in having so effective a force available in case of