I am directed by the
Board of Trade to acknowledge your letter
of the
13 Ultimo stating that a Requisition for Lighthouse
stores for
Vancouver's Island, made in
April 1865 has only been
partially complied with, and in reply to refer you, for the information
of His Grace the
Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, to the letter from
this Department of the
28 August 1865 forwarding a Bill of Lading
for Stores shipped in the "Severn;" 500 galls. of oil, and the stores
included in the requisition to
the the
Crown Agents, which was transmitted
to this Board in the letter from the
Colonial Office of the
July 1865, were forwarded to the Governor of
Vancouvers Island in the
"Severn" and entered on the Bill of lading. I am to add that this
Board are not aware that any portion of the requisition was not
complied with.