Since we had last the pleasure of addressing you on the
Ult this Settlement has not been disturbed by any repetition of the
offences mentioned in that letter — a great number of Americans have
been down from the
Wallamatte and made excursions into the Country around this place with
the view of discovering eligible situations for
settlement, but they have committed no overt act of trespass on the
rights of the prior occupants of the land.
The Americans having never shewn any predilection for settling on the North side of
Columbia River until the United States Schooner
Shark arrived at this Port and the excitement among them having greatly
abated since her departure from hence, we cannot help thinking that the
people were directly or indirectly encouraged by the Officers of that
vessel to encroach upon our Settlement.
This was to speak of it
it in the
mildest terms a most imprudent Act on their part, which cannot possibly
do any good, nor add one iota to the rights of the United States, but,
on the contrary must lead to much evil by dragging the ignorant and
over excitable population of the Country into mischievous courses.
We beg to add in justice to
Capt Howison the Commander of the
Shark that he evinced much concern on observing the length to which his
countrymen were disposed to carry their encroachment, and made some
exertions to put a
stop to their proceedings.
The prevailing opinion among the Americans now appears to be, that
Great Britain will give up the Columbia and accept the 49 parallel
of Latitude as a boundary, and moreover they firmly believe that the
British subjects in this Country will not be allowed to hold the lands
they now occupy when the Government of the United States comes into
consequently each and all are striving to establish
pre-emption rights on our Settlements in hopes of coming into
possession, the moment we are, according to their views, obliged
surrender them.
In your communication to the Officer in charge of
Fort Victoria, you request all the information in our power as to the Coals on
Vancouvers Island, and we will now do ourselves the pleasure of detailing all that is known to us on
the subject.
From the indications of the Strata which have been carefully
examined, it appears very probable that the Mineral abounds over all
the North Eastern part of
Vancouvers Island, that is to say from Cheslakers, Lat 50.36 to
Cape Scott at its Northern extremity, as
traced by a dotted line in the accompanying sketch. The spot however
familiarly known to us as the coal mine and where the Coal bed rises
above the surface, is situated in
MNeil's Harbour on the line of
Coast designated; its position being about Lat: 50.39 Long: 127,10.'
West, and is marked Coal Mine on the Sketch. The Coal Beds to the
partial extent they have been explored, appear
to divided by
intermediate layers of Sandstone, and are seen most distinctly on the
open beach, extending over a space of about one mile in
generally within the line of high water: the Mineral having evidently
been laid bare by the wash of the sea, which has in course of time
frittered, and worn away the encumbent mould and Sandstone.
A fresh water riverlet which runs across the bed in a direction
perpendicular to the Beach has also laid bare a transverse section of
the Coal to the distance of 3/4 of a mile from the sea shewing that the
bed runs in a nearly horizontal direction as far as that point, beyond
which the depth of the strata has not been
It is however important to know that the Coal can be worked with
comparatively small expense over a field of such extent.
We have not ascertained to what depth the surface bed extends, but
we know it exceeds three feet: having explored to that depth without
finding any interposing stratum of mould.
A large quantity of Coal may at any time be got there by employing
the Indians who are numerous and active, to dig and transport them to
the Ship.

They are by no means averse to such employment, and ask a very moderate remuneration
for their labour.
On one occasion when we employed them for that purpose, they
brought in upwards of 90 Tons in a few days, which they dug with
hatchets and other inconvenient implements, and there is no doubt that
with proper excavating tools they could have done the work much more
Besides the loss of time, the want of Tools is attended with another disadvantage
as it confines
the workmen to the mere surface lumps, which is deprived of its bitumen by exposure
to the weather, and does not burn so freely as the substrata.
In consequence perhaps of that circumstance, we have not succeeded
in rendering the Coals serviceable in our forges, but they burn
remarkably well when exposed to a strong blast in the furnace of the
Steam Vessel. — Externally the Coal is hard and brittle, interspersed
with Sulphurate of Iron, and contains but little earthy or incombustible

It requires rather a higher temperature to burn than the better
kind of Newcastle Coals, but is superior in this respect to some of the kinds sold
in the London Market. It contains sulphur, a pretty large
proportion of bituminous matter, and yields Coke in the proportion of 52
per cent.
If the British Government has any intention of making this Coal
available for the use of their Steam Navy it will be necessary in order
to keep a constant supply on hand, to form
an Establishment on the spot
of sufficient force to protect it against the Natives, who are
numerous, bold and treacherous, and also to carry on the Mining
operations. We would in such case recommend that an application on the
subject be made to the Directors of the
Hudson's Bay Company in
who could in a short time take measures to get the necessary means
collected under the management of experienced persons acquainted with
Indian Character and capable of drawing the greatest possible advantage
from their presence.

We shall be most happy to do anything in our power to forward this object, but it
will in the first place be necessary to enter into
arrangements with the Directors of the Company in
London as we have not
the means in the Country, and we do not feel at liberty to undertake a
measure of such importance without their sanction.
We take the liberty of making this suggestion as to the proper mode of proceeding,
in order that no time may be lost
hereafter in carrying out the ulterior
arrangements, should Government deem it an object of importance to form an Establishment
MNeil's Harbour or at some other point for the purpose of collecting Coals for the regular
supply of the Steam Navy in the Pacific.
With reference to that part of your letter of the 15
September last, wherein you direct me to ascertain whether the Coals
which are said to abound on the Northern part of
Vancouvers Island, can be collected in a sufficient quantity to afford a supply for steam
fuel, I have the honour to inform you, that having arrived at
MNeil's Harbour for that purpose, I made known to the Natives
M Sangster my wish to obtain a supply, and the next day
several canoes came laden with Coal, and they continued to increase in
number until our departure.
At the advice of
M Sangster I slung a tub holding about six
Cw from the Fore Yard which was lowered into a canoe and quickly
filled: in this manner we received 62 tons
from the 24 to the
26 paying for each tub as it came up by articles of trifling value which I procured
at your suggestion from the Officer in charge of
Fort Victoria, the whole of the expenses incurred including a few presents
necessarily made to the Chiefs, will made the Coals average not more
than 4/ per ton.
During our stay I proceeded on shore accompanied by
M Sangster and the First and Second Engineers. I found the North West part of
MNeils Harbour to be
a Peninsula, and in honour of First Lord of the
Admiralty I called it
Ellenborough. We found a seam of coal just
below high water mark which appeared to descend at an angle of about
30 towards the land. We then ascended the Hill and very near the
top at about 60 feet below the level of the Sea in the bed of a Stream,
we found a layer of Freestone at about 5 f 6 Inches below a surface
of Peat, and below that, a seam of Coal much resembling in appearance
the English Newcastle Coal; This seam was 10 Inches thick with Freestone
below, having bored through and blasted this,
we came to another seam
11 Inches in thickness, both seams appearing to run parallel to each
other descending at an angle of 20 in a NW direction. Being
confident from these two trials that the seam thickened lower down, I
did not make any further experiments here but proceeded the next day
to a small sheltered Bay about eight miles further down the coast to
the N W. which we called
Baillie Hamilton Bay after Captain Baillie
Hamilton Secretary of the
Admiralty, here we observed another rich seam
extending along the beach below high water mark and which we traced a
quarter of a mile in an Inland direction.
The seams we found were similar in appearance and thickness to those on
Ellenborough Peninsula which confirms me in an opinion I had
formed, they they were connected
On trial we found the coal of good quality; they flare much in the
Furnaces and do not appear to have any of the injurious effects on
either the Fire Bars or Furnaces that Welsh Coal have. The
proportionate expense for four hours as
compared with Scotch and
Welsh is as follows viz.
Tons — Cw
Welsh ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ 2 ﹏﹏ 18
Scotch ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ 2 ﹏﹏ 14
Ellenborough &}
}﹏ 2 ﹏ 18
Hamilton }
This difference may appear considerable in proportion, but the Coal
having been procured from the surface where it has been exposed to the
Action of the Atmosphere, and much of it to the injurious effects of
Salt water will weigh considerably in favour of the
Ellenborough and
Hamilton Coal Had it been procured at several feet from the surface I
have no hesitation in saying that the result would be at least equal to
the best Scotch Coal: We have also tried it at the forge and welded
several Bars of 1/4 and 1/2 inches; and the heats were as clean as if
taken with the best English Coal.
It is my belief that the field
does not extend further to the West than the Eastern Shore of
Beaver Harbour and to the East than the
Minkish River, marked in the
accompanying Plan by a dotted line, indeed the feature of the Country from
Beaver Harbour to Shucharte is
quite different, being covered with hard Blue White Rock without any
appearance of Freestone whatever.
It is impossible to form any opinion of the extent of the field in
an inland direction, but from the appearances of the country I am of
opinion that it is very considerable.
On first going on shore the natives appeared tenacious of our
examining the Coals and accused us of coming to steal them, but having
made a few presents to some of the chiefs, they entered into our views
and became very active, and I am only surprised that with the rude
implements they have for digging viz Hatchets and Wooden wedges they
were able to procure so large a quantity in so short a time, and
I am
persuaded that with the means we have, assisted by the Natives, we
could fill our Coal Bunkers in from ten to fourteen days.
The Natives are a fine race of men, and appear industrious and
friendly; but much addicted to thieving.
In conclusion I beg leave to remark that the Coal district in my
opinion is admirably situated possessing as it does excellent anchorage
in its neighbourhood, and being so far North that Vessels of almost any
burthen can approach it by way of
Cape Scott, thus avoiding the difficult and dangerous Navigation of
Sir George Seymours Narrows and
Johnstones Straits.